Idea Management
Nowadays, establishing an effective Design process for innovative solutions requires multi-disciplinary teams and a co-creative idea management approach within any type of organization. The use of any type of Idea Management software is useless if not driven by intuition, creativity, research and active listening of the stakeholders.
Our idea management methodology is based on the active listening, analysis and study of the multiple sources available in the relevant business context and societal challenge such as customer basis, social networks, employees, Research papers, Global trends, best practices and success cases available in the market.

Business Model Design
Even the most apparently simple business case involves complexity. Failure or success depends on the understanding of the many market, social and human factors that together define the field where an organisation seeds its value proposition. Business knowledge and imagination are both key elements for a high-potential business model design project.
We combine different methods and competences to make complexity simple, valuable, powerful. We work together with the organisation to understand the building-blocks of the business model, to co-create value by sharing knowledge within flexible frameworks, to finally release the full market potential of innovative products and services in a long-lasting strategy.